Past Newsworthy
Early Settlers' Diamond wedding - 28 February 1935

Mr and Mrs Richard Perkin of Hagley avenue, Christchurch, who will celebrate today the diamond jubilee of their wedding. “The change in the face of the city and in the methods of travel since they arrived were the first things to be commented on yesterday by Mr and Mrs Richard Perkin, of 488 Hagley avenue, when talking with a reporter yesterday. Mr and Mrs Perkin will celebrate the diamond jubilee of their wedding to-day. Mrs Perkin was only six weeks old when she arrived at Lyttelton from England in June 1851, as she was born during the voyage. The boat in which she came with her parents was the Jack Stedfast, the sixth ship to arrive at Lyttelton and she was called Stedfast [sic] after it. The family settled in Lyttelton at first, and Mrs Perkin's memories of the place are associated with the Maoris, who had a large pa where the station now is. For the six years that she lived there she was very much afraid of them. In 1857 the family made the journey over the hill to...